Oneday specialise in place based concepts and strategies that release the value of public and private assets. We do this by delivering projects that empower communities to create socially and economically responsible places to support the lives they want to lead. We work with local authorities, landlords, private and third sector organisations to promote enterprise, creativity and learning. We do this through Inclusive strategies that provide employment, nurture enterprise or deliver exciting cultural programmes.
Initially operating separately in the fields of Culture, Communities, Retail, Sport and Regeneration we recognised the need for a joined up approach that brings these fields together to give places back their identity and purpose. Our approach balances economic and social value leading to support happier and healthier communities.
We don’t ‘believe you can ‘make’ places, we believe culture and creativity can be used to grow and shape them. It is how they were created. Those who lived, worked and visited created environments to support the lives they wanted to lead.
Their Culture; Who they were, What they did and Where they did it shaped the places they created. It is this broad definition of Culture we will use to rediscover the story of Dee Park and tell it to shape a new identity and purpose that meets the needs of the community of today and the future.
Our Creative Placeshaping approach produces an Ecosystem that delivers the following outcomes against Environmental, Social, Economic and Commercial objectives as shown in the figure opposite.